Common Signs of a Bad Fuel Injector

Internal combustion engines become more complex even as the basic mechanics have gone unchanged for nearly 100 years. Air, fuel and a spark; basic, right?  Few automotive components have improved as much in the past two decades as the fuel injector. Instead of a carburetor, fuel delivery today is cylinder-specific. This improves performance, fuel efficiency and reduces overall maintenance.

Bu what happens when your fuel injector goes bad?

What Do Fuel Injectors Do?

Fuel injectors atomize fuel inside an engine’s cylinder. This precision component has to deliver fuel in neatly perfect amounts for the cylinder to fire just right. Fuel injectors are much more efficient than older carburetors, improving fuel efficiency, increasing horsepower and lowering emissions.

Fuel injectors are mounted inside an engine’s intake manifold. This positions the injectors next to intake air valves, which supply the oxygen required for a powerful spark.

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Signs of a Bad Fuel Injector

There are a few tell-tale signs of a bad fuel injector. In most cases, this part becomes dirty or clogged but do experience mechanical failure if improperly installed. The most common symptoms of a bad fuel injector include:

  • Consistent misfiring

  • Reduced fuel economy

  • Stalling when idling

  • Reduced power when attempting an overtake

  • Check engine light

Do Fuel Injectors Need to Be Replaced Often?

Fuel injectors aren’t considered a wear item and tend to last tens of thousands of miles. Many factors, including the frequency of maintenance, engine operating conditions and driving habits, determine the longevity of fuel injects. We usually see this part last more than 50,000 miles and many last more than 100,000 miles.

Spark Plug vs. Fuel Injector

The symptoms of dirty or faulty fuel injectors are very similar to spark plug problems. Many automotive repair shops will start by replacing spark plugs before inspecting the fuel injector. Knowledgeable shops will explore both possibilities before making sweeping parts replacements or other repairs.  

Do Fuel Injector Cleaners Work?

Some drivers use fuel injector cleaner compounds that claim to remove built-up dirt or carbon on the injectors themselves. While a good preventative measure, cleaning products should not be considered a replacement for a thorough cleaning, which includes completely removing the part from the engine.

How Much Does a Fuel Injector Cleaning Cost?

We’ll give you an accurate quote based on the extent of the problem and the cost of a new injector. Most fuel injector cleaning are less than $200, while replacement can cost between $400 and $900. Larger engines with more cylinders, such as a V8, may be slightly more expensive.

Fuel for the Road Ahead

At Garfield Auto, we offer fuel injector cleaning and fuel injector replacement services you can count out. Northern Michigan has counted on Garfield Auto for more than four decades for fast, friendly automotive repair services at s a fair price. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.


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